11 Effective Ways For Hardening WordPress
When it comes to WordPress Website Security, you can do a lot of things to prevent your website or blogs from hackers. Since WordPress websites are easy to hack, the CMS is often targeted by hackers to carry out malicious activities. While there is no foolproof method, you can still make yourself familiar with WordPress hardening methods because the consequences of not having them in place can be detrimental....
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How to Deploy Angular Application to Firebase using GitHub ?
Many of us unable to showcase our small-scale or personal projects over the web. Since hosting these projects are a bit difficult and also costs a few bucks sometimes. In this article, we will show you how to deploy your Angular application at no cost without buying any domain or hosting provider. Also, tired of deploying your application every iteration? Let’s also set up automatic builds and deploys using GitHub....
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How to install and configure Nginx Web Server on Godaddy VPS (Ubuntu)?
GoDaddy Server is a cloud-based hosting platform that consists of virtual and dedicated servers. The premium service includes weekly backups, 99% uptime, 24×7 Customer Support, a free encrypted SSL certificate, unlimited bandwidth, and SSD storage. For regular users, the latest generation is VPS Gen 4, which utilizes QEMU as the hypervisor to perform hardware virtualization. It offers a cheaper alternative to Amazon Web Service and Google Cloud Platform. The Nginx web server is a free and open-source application that can serve as a reverse proxy and load balancer. It is also used as a reverse proxy server, which receives requests from clients and forwards them to the proxy server. In this article, we will discuss how to install the latest version of the Nginx on GoDaddy VPS Gen V4 (Ubuntu)....
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5 Effective Productivity Hacks For Programmers
Every developer wants to have a productive day of coding where they come up with an optimized solution easily, they are able to write clean code that runs on the first time, the project doesn’t break because of that, and they get appreciation by the fellow team-members....
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Progressive Web Apps – Benefits, Components and How it Works?
Progressive web app seems to be the latest buzzword in today’s tech era. If we ask you to open the Google Maps on your phone, would you do it using the native app through the browser? Chances are, you will prefer the native app. Today, users spend most of their time on native apps rather than the web.  In fact, they spend 87% of the time on native apps and only 13% of the time on mobile apps....
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How to Enable JavaScript on a MacOS?
JavaScript is a programming language used to create dynamic content on web pages, such as animations or real-time updates, without needing to refresh the page. Enabling JavaScript in your browser is essential for a smooth online experience, like automatic updates on Facebook or Twitter timelines....
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How to Remove a Site Property from Google Search Console?
In this article, we will be learning a topic about how we can remove a website domain property from the google search console with step by step implementation. You should be an owner on google search to remove a site property non-owner cannot perform the removal actions. You can always re-add a site property if removed....
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How to install and configure Apache Tomcat 10 on Godaddy Server?
GoDaddy VPS is a shared server that provides computational services, databases, storage space, automated weekly backups, 99% uptime, and much more. It’s a cheaper alternative to some other popular cloud-based services such as AWS, GPC, and Azure. Apache Tomcat is a cross-platform HTTP web server that runs Java code in a “pure Java” environment. It is an open-source implementation of Jakarta Servlet and Jakarta Expression Language. Since 1999, The Apache Software Foundation has been developing and releasing this product. This article will discuss how to install the latest version of Apache Tomcat on GoDaddy VPS (Ubuntu)....
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How to Install WebStorm on Windows?
WebStorm is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) and is used for developing web applications in React, Vue, Angular, Express, Php, Meteor, Ruby, etc. It has been maintained by Jetbrains since its launch and is primarily written in Java. As one of the most popular JavaScript IDEs on the market, it offers a wide range of features such as auto code completion, syntax highlighting, linting, debugging, profiling, smart code navigation, auto code completion, code refactoring, unit testing, integration testing, and a variety of plugins....
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How to enable customers to know if your wordpress website delivers at their pincode or not?
Woocommerce check Pincode/zipcode for shipping plugin by Phoeniixx is a great help for the customers as it enables them to know if the website delivers at their Pincode along with the approximated delivery date. It stops the users from ordering from areas you don’t deliver to. Thus increasing customer satisfaction rates and reducing cart abandonment rates....
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How to Remove Site URLs from Google Search?
In this article, we’ll see how we can remove indexed URL’s on google search results using the Google Search Console tool. As a note, this process will work only for the google indexed URLs....
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How to install PHP on Godaddy server?
GoDaddy VPS is a shared server that provides computational services, databases, storage space, automated weekly backups, 99% uptime, and much more. It’s a cheaper alternative to some other popular cloud-based services such as AWS, GPC, and Azure. PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor is an open-source and general-purpose scripting language created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. In web development, it is mainly used as a server-side scripting language that is easily embedded with HTML files. To know more please visit PHP Tutorial. In this article, we will discuss how to install the latest version of PHP on GoDaddy VPS (Ubuntu)....
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